Two Person Analysis Report

The TwoPerson™ Report uses the information processing preferences to diagnose the likely interaction of any two people. The report examines the relationship both in total and by component. Together, the pair is given a comprehensive picture of the dynamics, either actual or potential, of the relationship. It is applicable to teams, work groups, project teams, coaching/mentoring relationships and conflict resolution initiatives.

The The TwoPerson™ report is highly graphical and mature, respectful tone. Explanations of the concepts being used are incorporated into a navigation bar on the left side of the report (i.e., the blue bar). This means that no knowledge of "I Opt" technology is needed to make effective use of the report.

  • The Index of the report offers a brief description of the contents of the various sections of the report as well as its page location.
  • An Executive Summary outlines the report's major findings and provides a page number reference for the person to find more detail if it is desired.
  • The Raw Data generated by the "I Opt" Survey is displayed. This page offers a brief explanation of what "I Opt" is, the limits of what it can tell about a relationship and some advise on how to use the report.
  • A Strategic Overlap page summarizes the nature of the relationship as a whole. The likely ease or difficulty imbedded in the structure of the way the people approach issues is outlined. Probable overall opportunities and vulnerabilities are outlined in a summary manner.
  • A two-page section on Strategic Pattern relationships examines the pair in terms of each of the four basic "I Opt" Patterns. These focus on the long-term postures which will interact over time as the pair works together in pursuit of their common goal(s).
  • A two-page section on Strategic Styles examines the pair in terms of each of the four basic "I Opt" styles. Styles are the short-term decision strategies likely to be employed on an issue-by-issue basis.
  • The report then provides a one-page Strategic Style Analysis for each member of the pair. This briefly outlines their primary and secondary styles and give some indication of its likely behavioral consequence. This is a "mini" Individual Analysis.
  • The report concludes by providing a one-page Personal Profile Analysis for each member of the pair. This section of the report summarizes each person's overall behavioral posture including their less pronounced strategies and tendencies.

The TwoPerson Report is based on the same "I Opt" Survey as used for all of the "I Opt" reports. This means that the report can be used in conjunction with any of the other reports with the expectation that they will mesh seamlessly.

The TwoPerson Report can be applied to any pair of people who share a common purpose and who will mutually benefit or suffer as a result of the outcome of their common efforts (I.e., have a common destiny). This would include two-person teams, work groups, project teams, coaches, mentors, supervisor-subordinate relations and any other pair based situaiton.

The report is used extensively in helping to quickly establish effective coaching and mentoring relationships. Advise is accepted much more readily if it is framed in a way that the recipient is accustomed to accepting it. Giving advise is much easier if the person giving it knows that the recipient is likely to accept it if presented in a particular manner.

The report has also found acceptance in boss-subordinate relationships. It has been used to quickly orient both parties in the case of a new hire. This saves much of the time trying to figure out exactly what the boss wants or what the subordinate can most effectively do.

In consulting, the report is often used as a tool for establishing credibility. One strategy is to ask a client to complete an "I Opt" Survey themselves and have their mate complete one. The consultant is then able to demonstrate the accuracy of the tool by applying it to a relationship which they can have no prior knowledge. The client is comfortable because nothing is risked in the work environment. The results of such demonstrations are typically very positive.

Other applications include addressing conflict situations. The report will often reveal that the conflict is based on different information processing methods and not on personal failings. This alone is often enough to reduce conflict intensity and pave the way for a more productive relationship.

There are many other applications for the TwoPerson Report. Its nonjudgmental, matter-of-fact approach is easily accepted by all involved. Graphics that are incorporated into the analysis testify to the objectivity of its findings. It is an effective tool for any situation where two people must work together to reach a goal of interest to both.

In addition to describing the relationship, the report helps the pair recognize its synergies and vulnerabilities. Strategies for offsetting vulnerabilities are offered for consideration. Simply pointing out the basis of the potential difficulties is often sufficient to lessen them.

Similarly, the report offers strategies for magnifying the strengths of the pair. This can include things such as a division of labor which might substantially improve outcomes. This component of the report tends to heighten mutual appreciation and respect.

This report identifies the strengths that both people bring to their particular relationships. Like vulnerabilities, these lie in different places. The report uses these differential capabilities to suggests ways the pair may be able to offset each other’s vulnerabilities while maximizing their strengths.

The "I Opt" TwoPerson™ report is designed to be compatible with all of the other "I Opt" reports. It does this by focusing on the information processing fundamentals and how they might be combined within the pair to improve their joint performance.

An "I Opt" Survey for each member of the pair is required to run the TwoPerson Report. People with an internet account can access the report directly from their Internet. Turnaround time is currently under 5 minutes.

Individual instance users can obtain the report from Professional Communications Inc. (the owner of "I Opt" technology) in any manner preferred by the client (e.g., email, fax, surface mail, private courier, telephone, etc.). Turnaround time is usually less than 24 hours. Contact us for more information.

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