What is "I Opt"?

About I-Opt

I OPT® is the name of a assessment tool that measures information processing preferences. This matters because information processing elections are entirely symbolic (i.e., contains no bio-chemical elements inherent in the "feelings" used by alternative methods).

"...accurately gauge the inherent capabilities and probable direction of groups..."

The absence of a bio-chemical element means that the scores of different people can be aggregated. This, in turn, means that "I Opt" can be used to accurately predict the behavior of groups as groups (not just an assembly of individuals). In other words, "I Opt" measures can be used to accurately gauge the inherent capabilities and probable direction of groups without the need for any interviews or direct communication with the group participants.

The "I Opt" Survey and its resultant reports has been academically validated along all eight dimensions of validity simultaneously on a sample of over 14,000 individuals and over 1,000 groups. Click here to read the full Validity Study. A more conversational summary of the study is available at "I Opt" Validity: Validation Explained in English.

"...there is no behavioral area into which "I Opt" cannot reach and make a positive contribution."

Information processing is the foundation of behavior. Every behavior involves a choice and that choice must be founded on something. That something is information. Thus there is no behavioral area into which "I Opt" cannot reach and make a positive contribution.

Multiple reports can be generated using the results from the "I Opt" Survey. In other words, single survey can be used generate any or all of the following fully tested reports.

Individual Reports

Individual reports apply to a single person. They all can be generated using the same "I Opt" Survey. Currently these reports include:

  1. Individual Strategic Style
  2. Learning Report
  3. Leadership Report
  4. Sales Report
  5. Change Management Report
  6. Career Report
  7. Advanced Leader Report (for seasoned executives)
  8. Coaching Report (companion to Advanced Leader Report)

Group Reports

The same "I Opt" Survey used to create individual reports can be used as input for reports focused on group behavior. Currently these reports include:

  1. TwoPerson™ Report
  2. TeamAnalysis™
  3. LeaderAnalysis™
  4. Consultant Report

R&D: Reports/Analysis

In addition to the reports that have been released for general use, there are typically 3 or 4 additional reports in development or BETA testing. These reports and evaluations are sometimes made available to firms and individuals who are positioned to contribute to their development.

Reports/analysis currently under development include:

  1. Team Culture Report
  2. Emotional Intelligence (individual and group)
  3. Organizational Culture (multiple groups interacting simultaneously)

People who have an interest in these reports are encouraged to contact us to discuss possible participation.

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